Most of the time my thoughts aren't long enough for a blog post. My shortform notes get posted on Mastodon and Bluesky, and also wind up here.
When I was younger I tried to build artist/musician/weirdo Laurie Anderson's tape-bow violin from a single sentence description. While I never got it to work quite right, it taught me everything I know about asking "why."
Read "Let X Equal X" on my blog:
posted at 7:00PM on November 2, 2023
I wrote some thoughts on the lonely year that has transpired since Elon Musk took over Twitter.
Read "Year of the Living Dead" on my blog:
posted at 7:00PM on October 25, 2023
It's been a minute since I last updated my blog. But that hasn't been because I haven't been doing stuff. In fact, quite the opposite.
Read "Best Laid Plans" on my blog:
posted at 7:00PM on July 10, 2023
Every job I've ever stuck with, I've done so because it's felt like a never-ending series of puzzles to solve.
Read "Puzzles All the Way Down" on my blog:
posted at 7:00PM on May 10, 2023
Today I'm excited to announce the start of a wholly new, super ambitious project in collaboration with the novelist Joe Meno. Welcome to Question Mark, Ohio.
Read "Believe in Mystery" on my blog:
posted at 7:00PM on April 20, 2023
I've had better months than March 2023, but now that it's basically over I thought I'd take take stock of some of the good work I got done amid the awfulness.
Read "It's All Over But the Crying" on my blog:
posted at 7:00PM on March 29, 2023
Earlier this year I wrote about how 2023, for me, is about trying. And then I made a patch to remind myself of that. And people wanted one, so now I've made them and you can get one.
Read "Trying — a patch for you" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on February 22, 2023
I wrote about chatbots and magic and a turn-of-the-century spirit medium who spewed images of people from beyond the grave from her mouth. No, really.
Read "Use Your Illusion" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on February 19, 2023
I've been a lot of things, but I was a skater first. And skateboarding has taught me a lot about patience, about falling, and about getting back up.
Read "Skating and Waiting" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on February 8, 2023
I wrote about getting wrapped up in British football, about the poison in the brain of every 90s punk kid, and about embracing change.
Read "A Boot to the Head" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on January 21, 2023
I've been trying my whole life. These last few years I found that I'd stopped.
Read "On Trying" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on January 13, 2023
Lately I've been thinking about sad songs and the stories from our lives that resonate between the notes. It made me revisit a work-in-progress about the end of Punk Planet and the saddest song I know.
Read "The Saddest Song I Know" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on January 6, 2023
With the start of a new year, I thought I'd share my journaling method and how using it to reflect on days, months, and years has helped me to (kinda sorta) get my shit together.
Read "I See Reflections of You and Me" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on January 2, 2023
2022 was a middling year in a lot of ways, a shitty year in others, and a great year for culture. Here's 5 things I loved this year.
Read "A Year of Culture" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on December 30, 2022
I have friends with hobbies. Friends who do pottery, who take pictures, who go hiking, who make scarves and tables. I've always kind of wanted a hobby, but they've never stuck. Instead, I work. Honestly, I love it and it's gratifying to look back at the work I did this year.
Read "A Year of Work" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on December 28, 2022
Today my pal Maureen Johnson releases her latest novel and I reflect on what it means to want the very best for the people you care about.
Read "Someday you, and all you put your hand to, will turn golden" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on December 26, 2022
It's bitter cold, my kids are home doing school on Zoom, and I'm feeling oddly optimistic. Weird, I know. Here are three things that are contributing to that for me.
Read "Everything Gets Brighter From Here" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on December 22, 2022
(Mostly) leaving Twitter has left me feeling disconnected from the news for the first time in a very long time. I reconnected by revisiting a technology I'd mostly forgotten about, RSS.
Read "I Read the News Today, Oh Boy." on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on December 18, 2022
Our lives are so intertwined with the technology we use to live them at this point that to lose a space inside our glowing rectangles feels like true loss. Yes, this is about Twitter.
Read "It's Not Yesterday Anymore" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on December 14, 2022
A story of an endless walk in Buenos Aires and the dreamlike place (and food) that it lead to. Shared today in honor of Argentina's advancement to the World Cup finals.
Read "Food Carts on the Edge of the World" on my blog:
posted at 6:00PM on December 12, 2022