Dan Sinker

Hey, that page isn't on this site

If you've found yourself here, either something has gone sideways or you came here following a link to a post to my old Tumblr (which used to use this URL). Sorry about that, that's been a dead site for a long time, but occasionally people find there way here.

But since you're here, why not check out my blog, which is currently updated! Here's the last few posts from it:

Thank you, Steve Albini

In honor of Steve Albini's birthday today, here's an excerpt from an interview with him Punk Planet #26, in which he talks about how he approaches his life. Happy birthday Steve, miss you.

Published on Jul 22, 2024

Do What You Want, 'Cos This is the New Art School. Punk Planet: Year Two

I'm writing an essay a month marking the 30 year anniversary of Punk Planet. This month, Year Two. If the first year of Punk Planet was about figuring out the function of the magazine, the second year was about the form.

Published on Jun 30, 2024

Rebel Rebel

For the last year I've been working with Akilah Hughes to make Rebel Spirit, a podcast about her quest to change her high school mascot from the Rebels, named after the confederacy, to the Biscuits, a part of Southern heritage that everyone can get behind. It's been an infuriating, hilarious, and extraordinary journey and one I'm so excited to finally let you into.

Published on Jun 19, 2024

© | A little internet project by Dan Sinker.