Dan Sinker

Unfinished Business,
a weblog

This is a place where I can think out loud, work through ideas, and talk about stuff that doesn't fit cleanly into the type of freelance writing I do. Some ideas will be fully formed, others, as the title implies, will be unfinished.

2023, The Exit Interview

I'm quitting 2023. After 364 days, today will be my last day. My tenure here has not been a good one and I requested an exit interview with HR so that 2023 can understand why I'm leaving and perhaps, how it might do better in the future.

Published on Dec 31, 2023

Feel So Different, Remembering Sinead O'Connor and Pee-Wee Herman

2023 was a lot of hard things, but losing Sinead O'Connor and Pee-Wee Herman within a few days of each other felt especially cruel. At the tail end of a difficult year I wrote a small offering to the mystic and man-child that meant so much to those of us that grew up different.

Published on Dec 28, 2023

A Man You Don't Meet Every Day, Remembering Shane MacGowan

I thought Shane MacGowan was unkillable. If he hadn't died by now, the logic went, with all the drinking and drugs and living harder than most, maybe he never would. HBut, of course, he did.

Published on Nov 30, 2023

Let X Equal X

When I was younger I tried to build artist/musician/weirdo Laurie Anderson's tape-bow violin from a single sentence description. While I never got it to work quite right, it taught me everything I know about asking "why."

Published on Nov 3, 2023

Year of the Living Dead

I wrote some thoughts on the lonely year that has transpired since Elon Musk took over Twitter.

Published on Oct 26, 2023

Best Laid Plans

It's been a minute since I last updated my blog. But that hasn't been because I haven't been doing stuff. In fact, quite the opposite.

Published on Jul 11, 2023

Puzzles All the Way Down

Every job I've ever stuck with, I've done so because it's felt like a never-ending series of puzzles to solve.

Published on May 11, 2023

Believe in Mystery

Today I'm excited to announce the start of a wholly new, super ambitious project in collaboration with the novelist Joe Meno. Welcome to Question Mark, Ohio.

Published on Apr 21, 2023

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