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I'm really not on Twitter at all anymore because that place is terrible. But I'm lots of other places!

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What's it all about? A lot of things. Here are the last couple posts:

Living History

The thing I love most about doing journalism is you never quite know where you're going to end up once you start digging. That's been especially true with my work on Rebel Spirit, which sits alongside the best reporting I've ever done. Today our second episode is out, and it's all about digging to expose a 70-year-old lie.

Published on Sep 10, 2024

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes. Punk Planet: Year Four

I wrote about underground art and design, a sacred assembly of men, and the year that changed everything for Punk Planet magazine as part of the fourth entry in my monthly essay series about the 13 year run of Punk Planet.

Published on Aug 31, 2024

Finally, if you're really just trying to drop me a line, you can always do that right in this box: